Part 2: Demanding Winter 2023 – Ultimate 100 Tips Guide to be Prepared and Survive – How to Prepare For a Power Outage

Demanding Winter 2023 Ahead – Ultimate 100 Tips Guide to be Prepared and Survive – Part 2: How to Prepare For a Power Outage

Winter is here, and in many countries around the world, it's challenging citizen life. Higher inflation, higher energy prices, and higher food and gas prices create a situation where people can barely get by. 

If you're worried about how to keep yourself and your family afloat this winter, we've got 100 tips to help.

Here you may find the second part of the list – How to Prepare For a Power Outage.

Other features of this series

16. Turn off appliances

If a power outage comes as a surprise, you should, for example, turn off the stove, oven, and heater. Faucets for dishwashers and washing machines should also be closed.

After power outages, the risk of fire and leakage damage increases when the electricity is switched back on. Switching off household appliances is especially important if you must leave the house during a power outage.

17. Make sure the heating starts up again

House residents must ensure that the heating and ventilation equipment and mechanical groundwater drainage are restarted after a power outage.

If the heating is not restored after a break, the pipes may freeze, causing them to crack and cause water damage. If the pipes are in danger of freezing due to a breakdown in the heating system, you should call the service center as soon as possible.

18. Leave one light on

If you leave one light on during a power outage, you can monitor it to make sure of the moment when the electricity comes back on. This way, a significant power spike is avoided when the power supply is restored, which could cause another outage.

19. Fully charge the batteries of devices that are in heavy use

You should prepare in advance for a power outage with a few hours notice by, for example, fully charging the batteries of your laptop, phone, and backup power sources. 

A charged laptop can work reasonably well over a break.

20. Do not flush the toilet or take a shower during a power outage

Avoid flushing the toilet, showering, bathing, and washing dishes and laundry during a power outage.

In metropolitan areas, water distribution works during a short power outage, but in some countries, high places, and properties, water may come at a lower pressure than usual.

Without electricity, sewage and solid waste do not move and can clog drains. For example, this can lead to flooding on the lower floors of apartment buildings.

21. During a power outage, keep the mobile phone network free

The load on mobile phone networks should be avoided in outage situations, so there is room for emergency center messages. You should limit the phone's use to only manage the most important things.

22. Do not open the freezer

Even during a power outage, the freezer keeps food cold for 24 hours if it is not opened for no reason. In cold weather, the freezer's contents can also be stored on, for example, a balcony or terrace. 

It is an excellent idea to protect the bases of the refrigerators from meltwater.

23. Make sure no one is stuck in the elevator

The elevators in the apartment buildings stop working during a power outage. Those handling it should ensure no one is stuck in the stopped elevator. If necessary, call for additional assistance.

24. Make sure that the elderly and those who live alone in the neighborhood are fine

If there are elderly or single people living in the community, it is worth asking to find out if the neighbor needs help buying food or bottled water, for example.

25. Keep the electric doors closed when not in use

When there is a power cut, electrically operated doors and gates stop working. For this reason, it is a good idea to keep the doors closed when they are not in use so that when the power goes out, the door does not remain open and cold air can freely flow in. 

If, for example, the doors of the housing company's or workplace's parking garage remain open and you cannot close them yourself, the maintenance company must be notified.

26. Dress warmly, especially during business trips

A power outage can put the heating on public transport, for example, in subways, on hold. 

The outage is likely to strike in the morning and early evening hours, i.e., when commuters are heading to work or home at the end of the day.

Part 3: Grocery and Food-Saving Tips >>

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